

Points of Unity and Vision

Points of Unity

Our Points of Unity is a living document – we want to constantly think critically about and revisit it, and it should change over time.

Points of Unity

As members of the Tech Workers Committee, we are committed to the following values:


We focus our work together in two tracts: organizing tech workers, and providing training & education.

Organizing Tech Workers

We want to organize as tech workers in the Greater Boston Area for two main purposes

Supporting tech workers who want to organize in their workplaces

Training & Education

For tech workers

We wish to support efforts in the Greater Boston Area that train tech workers not only in tech skills, but also in the political/systemic landscape in which tech products exist. We are still power mapping where this work is happening already, and do not yet know what our role will be. However, we find the following areas of focus for training to be important to us:

For youth/union members

We wish to support efforts in the Greater Boston Area that train service workers and young people in tech skills that they are often systematically denied. We are still power mapping where this work is happening already, and do not yet know what our role will be. However, we find the following areas of focus for training to be important to us:

These tracts of work arose out of discussions among early members of this committee, in which we all shared the areas of focus we wanted to work within. We see this vision for the work we do to be guided by what our members want to work on, and as such, we see this vision as another living document that we can and want to revisit over time and reflect upon.

Definitions Tech Workers – workers whose roles center around designing, building and maintaining systems of technology, including but not limited to software engineers, designers, product managers, online community managers and moderators, and data-processing workers whose labor supports other technology projects.